My dear diary, not easy to write to you when you have 4 hooves, so I delegate to my 2 paws (potted but which has 2 hands)
A day in my horse skin
Me it’s Sirène du Bijou, I’m redhead from everywhere except on the forehead, I tried to epilate once but I would tell you it may be another time. My 2 paws, she says horserider or my mom sometimes, says that I start to age because I have new white hairs on my belly. I’m 12 years old, and I’ve been with this mom for a little over five years.
I wanted to talk to you about my day, that of almost every day. Because a few times I moved out of my stable with buddies or I was the chef, to a new stable or some scare me a bit. The electric wire here is strong click-click, it must have a defect and it scares me.
This summer I got into something that stings, I liked it but after I was getting the horsehair for a long time, 2 paws and my new dad (it I like it a lot it gives me candy when it has turned back) did not look happy…
I come back to my day, so this morning when the sun was up, I was drinking in the big tub of water and I continued to eat. I ran a little with the new buddies, the new house on the ground and everything flat is convenient to do nonsense. I’ve seen some of my buddies have stuff on their feet, I had some some time ago. I liked trotting along the way, as fast as possible to make it full of clop clopclop. And also scrape on the ground when it’s not fast enough preparing to eat. I told you how much I like to eat?
With my mom, my date
Mom can’t come every day, especially lately she walks like when I had a sore foot. When she arrives I like to make a joke and go as far as possible from the entrance of the field. I think she’s too white, she deserves to see the sun. When she’s with me, she gives me a candy and we go to the stable.
The last time she gave me back a big rope, I think she would like me to turn well in a circle, but I’m afraid to make her dizzy. Oh a butterfly…
Oh yes sorry, she was telling me stuff and I think I was doing well she looked proud, I had the right to a hug. I like it when it comes, but I like it when it’s not there I never get bored, I like to eat too much, I told you how much I like to eat?
When mom is with me or when we « work » She puts music, I like, but I do not like when she sings, it sounds more like music.
When my date is there she takes a lot of pictures I like to pose, she must have thousands but it seems to please her. She gives me carrots and apples, sometimes small briquettes with a lot of tastes in it. What I like most is the clementines, but at the beginning it was long to have, it removed the skin from the top, so in the meantime I ate the little skin. Now she makes me crunch in it, except when she eats a piece of it. Moreover it is soon the season where I have the right to eat, even if I have not many.
I like it when we go in a ballad, I’m afraid of nothing or almost, even when my rider jumps out I’m good.
I’ll go back to eat, I leave you dear diary.