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I had posted a picture of the detangling Müldhofer on Instagram and here is the article!

Horse crash Test, Sirène du Bijou: who sees the brush for the horsehair once every 6 months and has not had a shampoo of the tail for almost 2 years.

Product: Detangling of the Mühldorfer brand, it is an organic and silicone-free product. Which facilitates combing and étrillage for dull hair, dry mane and glued horsehair. Composition: Organic evening primrose oil, organic macadamia nut oil, organic castor oil, wax emulsion, sealer.Product

The Test:

On a day of heat (36 °c at home) I decided to wet my mare.
Don’t ask me why I also wanted to try the product that day.

The natural tail

In these extreme conditions, I forgot to take a picture of the mane natural.

It is applied on dry horsehair after shaking the bottle. It is allowed to dry, in view of the outside temperature I did not wait long.

Horsehair with the detangling
Hair sprayed with detangling

and brush with a soft brush. After passing the soft brush, not finding the result quite satisfying, I passed a stroke of hair brush (with dots spaced).

Horsehair after the detanglingAnd it worked super well on the mane, less on the tail but it’s normal (considering the starting state)

Good apart that I would have to cut a little mane that is completely uneven, the result is superb!Tail after the detangling

I say that given the warmth it was not me who was trotting, but it has well put its horsehair in value. (While I was waiting in the sun to be able to take away his halter)
Mane in the WindThe Grand Trot


I think the photos speak for itself it’s a great product and bio in addition. Mermaid who does not like the smells a little strong did not budge to the application and her pre buddy even came sniffed with envy.

This product exists in several sizes, I have it in 300ml Price: Around €14, it exists in 1l (bottle with spray) and in 2, 5l (TIN)

You can find it with other Mühldorfer products here:


Post Author: Aliénor

Cavalière passionnée, propriétaire d'une jument trotteur français du nom de Sirène du Bijou qui fait régulièrement office de crash test.
Ma vie se résume a monter a cheval et manger des bonbons devant Netflix.

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