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The meeting that changed my life is a question that I never asked myself, it was obvious.
This is the theme launched by Cavali'Erre this month for the Cavalcade of blogs. (All summarized there)
It was an ideal theme for me to tell you about her and me, much like Eleanor and her article published last month for the cavalcade. (to be found here)

We all have had a meeting that has marked us and that has sometimes even changed our lives. I will tell you a piece of my story because this meeting has changed everything.

I've been a rider since I was four. I liked riding a horse but it's since I met the being who shares my life today, the same that made me love the horse for all that it is and represents.

It was in 2012, I had stopped riding and I felt depressed following an event that occurred a few days before Christmas and that deeply hurt me. I was not well in my skin, I only fed from time to time and cried every night. I was really in a dark period. The horse was missing me and I started to search on internet sales sites, ads of horses for sale. My parents were not aware that I was looking at offers but it was a bit of a morale to dream of becoming the owner of one of his Equidae for sale.

Then two days before New Year's Eve, I stumble upon the announcement of a small, very cute, and there is the stroke of heart that occurs. It reminds me of a horse that has brought me a lot and is now in paradise. Without asking the opinion of my parents I contact the owner for more information on the subject. When I received a reply by mail it was December 24th, 2012. I then show the announcement to my parents and ask them if we can just go and see her for a try even if it does not commit anything. Seeing that it gave me a smile, they agreed. I had already planned everything for his purchase and maintenance. I just missed the meadow to house it. My father announced to me before the meal that eventually he would have found a pasture to put it. I jumped with joy, the smile illuminaed my face and I found little by little appetite. A few days after the first of the year, I went to see her to confirm or not my heart. When I finally see her, my heart confirms that it is her and not another that I wish to have.

On January 14, 2012, she arrives at my house and our story begins. Our beginnings were very difficult. I had no recoil from an owner but only from a club rider who thought it was necessary to work from the beginning. She made me realize that this was not how it worked by refusing to approach her within 4 metres of her. It is by questioning me that I understand that the problem came from me. I had to change the technique and decide to win his trust first. Even today, I often question myself when we face a conflict both.

But one thing is for sure she made me understand what it was to be the owner, she made me mature and especially she gave meaning to my life. She's my reason for living today. She's my mirror.
Without her, I wouldn't be who I am today. His happiness makes mine every day. She is there for me and I will be there for her until her last breath.


She will be the most beautiful encounter of my life!



Post Author: Coralie

Je m'appelle Coralie et j'ai 20 ans.
Je pratique l'équitation depuis l'âge de 4 ans. Je suis montée en club jusqu’à l’âge de 16 ans. J’ai fait pas mal de compétitions mais ça ne me plaisait plus autant et l’esprit qui y règne ne me convenait plus . J’ai donc arrêté de côtoyer les chevaux suite à une mauvaise expérience en club. Mais quand on aime les chevaux…J’ai donc pris la décision de devenir propriétaire et ne plus monter en club. Mes parents m’ont offert ma première jument. Cela fait donc 4 ans que je suis propriétaire d’une double ponette d’1m35 de 9 ans, qui répond au nom de Titouane.
Elle fait mon bonheur au quotidien et j’ai découvert la vraie passion pour le cheval en lui-même et non la pratique pour l’équitation. Je ne monte plus aussi souvent, je viens voir ma jument pour venir la voir. Quand on devient propriétaire, on apprend grâce à son cheval que l’équitation ce n’est pas juste monter à cheval mais c’est de s’en occuper, de l’observer afin de comprendre ses attentes, ses besoins…

Apprendre à écouter pour construire une réelle relation !

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