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I decided to also participate in the theme of the cavalcade of this month of June. For once a theme 2 authors and therefore 2 articles, you can find the participation of Eleanor here. If you want to know more about the concept of the Cavalcade of blogs: it's around here. This month the blog that hosts the cavalcade is Eperdument horse.

I leave you the link of the cavalcade of June: right here


We are aware that on horseback everything can happen to us and we may have later fears.

I'll tell you how my fear of jumping and getting boarded by a horse is born.

It all started the year I was 11 years old, I was in a club at that time. We were in the middle of an obstacle jump. The mare began to hesitate to cross an obstacle but with a small stroke of tongue and we continued to chain. But at the last obstacle, the mare stole and I ended up in the candlestick. The instructor came in blaming me that it was my fault. I felt very humiliated. I still continued the session but with the fear in the belly that it starts again more beautiful.

That same year, another fear came to me during a training course this time. I had a mare that hardly appreciated because of her unpredictable character. She was quiet but at one blow she decided to make a huge gap and to go to the bottom of the balloons. I was so afraid that I was unable to stop it. I got burned again by treating myself incapable.

Today, my fear of jumping and getting on board is less present when I ride my mare because I trust her and yet she tends to express cheerfully when we gallop. But I'm still anxious when I'm on another horse because I don't trust myself enough to completely defeat it.


However as you can see, I trust my mare and I try to overcome my fear of passing a bar. Even if I do not jump from extravagant heights, the main thing is to take pleasure with his mount.




Post Author: Coralie

Je m'appelle Coralie et j'ai 20 ans.
Je pratique l'équitation depuis l'âge de 4 ans. Je suis montée en club jusqu’à l’âge de 16 ans. J’ai fait pas mal de compétitions mais ça ne me plaisait plus autant et l’esprit qui y règne ne me convenait plus . J’ai donc arrêté de côtoyer les chevaux suite à une mauvaise expérience en club. Mais quand on aime les chevaux…J’ai donc pris la décision de devenir propriétaire et ne plus monter en club. Mes parents m’ont offert ma première jument. Cela fait donc 4 ans que je suis propriétaire d’une double ponette d’1m35 de 9 ans, qui répond au nom de Titouane.
Elle fait mon bonheur au quotidien et j’ai découvert la vraie passion pour le cheval en lui-même et non la pratique pour l’équitation. Je ne monte plus aussi souvent, je viens voir ma jument pour venir la voir. Quand on devient propriétaire, on apprend grâce à son cheval que l’équitation ce n’est pas juste monter à cheval mais c’est de s’en occuper, de l’observer afin de comprendre ses attentes, ses besoins…

Apprendre à écouter pour construire une réelle relation !

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